Monday, October 23, 2006

RDF, OWL-DL, and other Semantic Web Technologies in Ruby

Greetings Rare Reader!

You’re a “Rare Reader” since I suspect nobody ever reads this blog! ;-) Can you blame them with the current lack of posts? 

I have yet again started on a new project. This time working with RDF, RDF-Stores, OWL-DL, Semantic Web, and etc...

I see a need to express some of the programming within Ruby instead of Java, so I may start to get more involved with Ruby (which I really would like to do). But time will have to tell on this topic.

One deciding factor would be the gems that are available for Ruby to work with RDF and OWL-DL frameworks. I have performed some basic searches and these are some of the results that I have been able to find. If you know of any others that are current please post a comment! - A 9 page presentation about ActiveRDF for Ruby – Web page for ActiveRDF for Ruby – A project that is using ActiveRDF - Some info & Questions - By Chad Fowler and Rich Kilmer – Not active?

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Side Tracked...

I had grand plans to dig deep in to Ruby and really devote a ton of time to it.

Unfortunately, life happened and other "things" cropped up and it has had to be pulled off on to a side track. I have not completely thrown in the towel, I will revisit and get digging once more. I do see a strong future in Ruby and I would like to be apart of it... some day!

One of the diversions that has entered my life currently, is that ol' paying job. ;-) I have been brought in on a large web project to make it Mac compatible. The Mac browser of choice is Safari and quite frankly, I am impressed with my initial exposure and research on Safari.

Please visit my other blog pertaining to Safari: Going on a Safari... The Quest for Browser Compatibility!

Thursday, January 05, 2006



I have finally decided that it is time to create a blog of my own. I have been resisting for quite awhile, but decided that perhaps it would make sense since I am just starting to venture in to a new world of Ruby on Rails.

I have been deeply immersed within Java for about six years and a consultant for around 12, and quite frankly, I have been feeling limited on my creativity for the last four years. From what I have seen of Ruby and Rails, I am very much impressed. I do agree with those who are learning it and using it that the tipping point for Rails is quickly approaching.

This blog will deal with my meanderings through the uncharted territory of both Ruby and Rails. I do hope that some of the information I can present here will be of some use to someone somewhere sometime, if not, then at least I have been successful in practicing my typing.
Enjoy... Scott